
Monday 140929 WOD


Overhead squat – In 12 minutes, establish a heavy (not max) double for the day.



In 20 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

5 pull up

10 push up

15 air squat


Tuesday 140930 WOD


In 15 minutes, establish a heavy complex for the day of:

Power clean x2 + Front squat x 2 + 1 Split jerk


For time, complete sets of 30-20-10 of:

Box jump

Knees to elbow

Arch rocks


Wednesday 141001 WOD

Strength – Endurance

For time, complete the following:

10 power snatch 155/105

50 double under

10 power snatch 135/85

50 double under

10 power snatch  115/65

50 double under

10 power snatch 95/45

50 double under

Int: -20# from all sets,

Nov: 4 rounds of 7 muscle snatch, 75 single unders


Thursday 141002 WOD

Tabata #1

10 rounds of 20/10 work to rest ratio

Pull ups

Push press – 75/45

Note: switch between movements every 20 seconds

Tabata #2 

8 rounds of 20/10 work to rest ratio

Dead lift (touch and go) 225/155

Burpee high jump (jump to a height of 8″  or higher after each burpee)

Note: switch between movements every 20 seconds

Tabata #3

8 rounds of 20/10 work to rest ratio

Row – calories

Score is total reps/cal for each tabata WOD. Post all three totals.


Friday 141003 WOD


Back squat – 8-8-6-6-4

Start with a heavy set of 8 and ascend in weight across all sets.


Complete 4 rounds of:

In 3 minutes…

Run 400m

With time remaining, perform AMREP (as many reps as possible) of:

Wall ball 20/14#

Score is total wall balls.


Saturday 141004 WOD


In teams of two, complete 10 rounds for time of:

10 kb swing

10 sit up

2 wall walk

30 double under

Each athlete performs evey movement. Only one athlete may move at a time.

* Run 400m together every 4 minutes that elapses.