Aug 2014
CFM WOD’s 8/4 – 8/9
Monday 140804 WOD
1) Power snatch – 2×3 from mid thigh, 2×3 from above knee, 2×3 from shin (floor).
Rest 60-90 seconds between each set.
Use no more than 80% of 1RM
2) Power clean – 2×3 from mid thigh, 2×3 from above knee, 2×3 from shin (floor).
Rest 60-90 seconds between each set.
Use no more than 80% of 1RM
3) Push jerk – 3×3 (heaviest possible)
“Twinkle toes”
For time, complete the following:
Adv: 250 double unders
Int: 125 double unders
Novice: 300 single unders
*Perform 5 burpees at the start of every minute including the first.
Tuesday 140805 WOD
For time, complete sets of 5-10-15-20-15-10-5 of:
Pull up
Push up
Knee to elbow
*Run 200m between each round.
Paloff press – 3×7 with 3 second hold out.
Notes: perform using a band while in a lunge position.
Wednesday 140806 WOD
Today is day one of our current 4 week squat cycle. The intention of this cycle is to slowly and steadily increase weight (not using percentages) over the course of the next month. Each squat day, try to increase the weight on the bar by 5-10 pounds across each and every set. The last 3 sets of three you will use the same weight for the day but also increase it every week by 5-10 pounds like the other sets. Today will be used to establish loads in each of the rep ranges. It is imperative to keep a strict journal and note success or failure in each and every set so as to know where exactly to pick up the following week.
Back squat 10-7-5-3×3
Rest a MINIMUM of 2 minutes between EVERY set.
For time, complete sets of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Thruster – Adv: 55/45, Int: 45/35, Nov: 25/15
Box jump over – Adv: 24/20″, Int: 20/16″, Nov: 16/12″
Focus: The aim of this piece is to work on maintaining control of your technique in the thrusters (bar racked on shoulder, hit full depth with a slight bounce out of the bottom, fully locke out top position & weight solid on heels) as well as achieving unbroken sets. Box jumps are to be done to normal standards.
Thursday 140806 WOD
Complete 10 rounds for time of:
1 turkish get up/side Adv: 53/44, Int: 44/36, Nov: 36/25
5 hollow rocks
5 arch rocks
Spend 10 minutes walking on hands for max distance.
Friday 140807 WOD
1a) Dead lift – 8-8-6-6
Rest 60 seconds
1b) Bench press 8-8-6-6
Notes: Ascend in weight across every set. Use double overhand grip on dead lift. Start every rep from a dead stop on the floor and lower every rep back to floor in total control.
Complete 4 rounds of 30 seconds at the following stations. Take a 15 second transition break in between each movement. Rest 1 minute at the end of each round.
Hang power clean – Adv: 115/85, Int: 95/65, Nov: 65/35
Front squat – Adv: 115/85, Int: 95/65, Nov: 65/35
Bar facing burpee
Score equals total reps performed.
Focus: The aim of this is to keep intensity high and stay moving through the entire time period.
Saturday 140808 WOD
Team WOD
With a partner, in 25 minutes, climb the rep ladder 3-6-9-12-15-18-21…as high as possible of:
KB push press (two hands)
Row (calorie)
Power snatch – Adv: 115/75, Int: 95/65, Nov: 65/45
* perform 20 DU’s after each round completed.
Notes: Only one athlete may move at a time.