Aug 2014
CFM WOD’s 8/11 – 8/16
Monday 140811 WOD
1) Power snatch – 3×2 from mid thigh, 3×2 from above knee, 3×2 from floor (use 80-90% of 1rm)
Rest 60-90 seconds between every set.
2) Power clean – 3×2 from mid thigh, 3×2 from above knee, 3×2 from floor (use 80-90% of 1rm)
Rest 60-90 seconds between every set.
3) Dip pause push press – 3×3 (heaviest possible)
Notes: This is just like a push press, only there will be a 2 second pause at the bottom position. This is to a) build strength in the torso, and b) help you work on keeping your elbows up through the dip and drive component of the lift. Don’t drop, rather lower yourself under control to the bottom of your dip (2-4″).
For time, complete the following:
100 kb snatch
*Run 200m every 2 minutes (start of every even minute) through out the entire workout. This WOD starts with the run.
Int: 75 kb snatch
Nov: 75 kb high pull
Notes: Partition the reps between each hand any way you choose. Focus on not burning out one side then going to the other, rather, find a doable number for each arm and try to stick to solid work – rest intervals that allow you to keep moving one arm while resting the other.
Tuesday 140812 WOD
Complete 5 rounds of:
In 3 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
1 legless rope climb
5 ring dip
10 box jump
then, 1 minute of max effort:
Double unders
Rest 1 minute
Novice: 5 strict pull up, 5 hand release push up, 5 box jump per round. Attempt as many double unders as you can, even if you don’t have one!
Score equals total rounds combined and total double unders.
Wednesday 140813 WOD
Back squat – 10-7-5-3×3
Notes: Based off of what you used (or perceived you could have done) last week, add 5-10# to every set.
For time, complete sets of 7-14-21-14-7 of:
Medicine ball clean wall ball
Notes: Ball must start from floor, hips must come to full extension at top, catch must be below parellel, then target must be hit. Failure to achieve any part of this results in an incomplete rep and must be re-done.
Thursday 140814 WOD
For time, complete the following:
1,000m row – Nov: 500m
15 push press – Adv:95/65, Int: 75/55, Nov: 55/35
30 knee to elbow – Nov: abmat sit up
200 double unders – Nov: 200 single unders
12 push press – Adv: 115/85, Int: 95/65, Nov: 75/55
24 knee to elbow
800m run – Nov: 400m
9 push press – Adv: 135/105, Int: 115/85, Nov: 95/65
18 knee to elbow
Strict 25 minute time cap!
Friday 140815 WOD
Front squat (tempo 33×1) 5×3 (heaviest possible)
Rest 2 minutes in between sets.
In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
5 power clean – Adv: body weight, Int: 75% bw. Nov: 50% bw
10 pull up
200m run
Notes: Intermediate and novice must start every power clean from the ground, no touch and go reps on this one.
Saturday 140816 WOD
“Hoover Ball”
We will be meeting at Coast guard hill in Marshfield at 8:30am for this WOD. These are sand courts so dress accordingly 🙂