Monday 140714 WOD


Clean pull – 5×5 (heaviest possible)



“Bear complex” – DEMO VIDEO
Complete 7 sets of the following sequence for 5 rounds – Rest as needed in between.  Post starting load and finishing load.
Power clean
Front squat
Push press
Back squat
Push press


Tuesday 140715 WOD


Inverted practice – For 15 minutes, practice your handstand holds, handstand push ups, handstand walk, or anything thing else while being inverted.


 In 20 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
50 DU’s
15 pull up
5 HSPU (strict)


Wednesday 140716 WOD


In 20 minutes, establish a 1RM snatch
Note: Take no more than 4 attempts at max load.


4 rounds of:
Row 500m
7 burpee
7 overhead squat 
Rest as needed between rounds.  Post slowest and fastest rounds along with weight used.


Thursday 140717 WOD


1a) Bar dips 4xME (max effort)
Rest 45 seconds
1b) Toe to bar (strict) 4xME


100m Sprint x4
For time:
100kb swing 53/36#
Notes: perform 5 goblet squats every minute on the minute until finished.


Friday 140718 WOD

Strength WOD

Warm up all lifts to a moderately heavy weight then complete the following for time:
45 dead lift
45 press
45 front squat
45 L-pull up
Notes: Only use one bar for all lifts.  Load and de-load bar as necessary.  Use 65-75% of 1RM for all lifts.  This is not a sprint, so slightly longer rest periods should be taken in between reps, but not long enough to diminish intensity.  

Saturday 140719 WOD

Team WOD

Complete the following for time:
Run 800m
100 hand release push up
100 DB snatch
Row 2000m
100 wall ball
100 box jump 
250 DU’s
Notes: Partition reps as necessary.