Monday 140602 WOD


Push press 4-4-4-4-4
Notes: Start with a heavy weight and increase across all sets.


Handstand hold 3x max effort.


In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
1 legless rope climb (or 10 pull ups)
100m run


Tuesday 140603 WOD


1a) Box squat – 10×2 using 50-60% of 1RM
No rest
1b) Box jump 10×3 @ approx. 75% of 1RM
Rest 30 seconds


Complete 4 rounds of:
In 3 minutes, complete the following:
10 power clean 135/85
10 burpee lateral bar hops
Notes:  These are sprint rounds.  Complete each AFAP (as fast as possible)


Wednesday 140604 WOD


Power snatch (with 3 second pause at knee) – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy triple for the day.


Arch/ hollow + V up – 2×30′


Complete 4 rounds – No time component
3 snatch dead lift
3 hang power snatch
3 snatch push press
3 overhead squat
Notes: Try to increase your weight every round.  Note your starting and finishing weight.


Thursday 140605 WOD


KB clean (from floor)


1 arm KB thruster – 4×6/side (heaviest possible)


In 10 minutes – Row 2K, then perform as many KB clean from ground as possible with time remaining.  Alternate hands every rep.
Rx 53/36


Friday 140606 WOD


1a) Dips (rings/bar) 4xME (max effort)
Rest 45 seconds
1b) Chin up (supinated grip) 4xME (max effort)
Rest 45 seconds


For time:
Run 1 mile
75 Push up
75 Abmat sit up
Run 800m


Saturday 140607 WOD

In teams of two, complete the following:
1) Each teammate must establish their own weightlifting total (max snatch and max clean and jerk).  Only 3 attempts per lift.
2) For time, complete sets of 50-40-30-20-10 of:
KB swing (russian) 70/53#
Wall ball 20/14#
Toes to bar
Score is teams combined weightlifting total and WOD time.