Monday 140616 WOD


Clean & jerk – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy double for the day, then – 1×2@95%, 1×2@90%


For each movement, perform as many reps as possible in 2 minutes time.  Rest 2 minutes between each movement.
KB swing 70/53
Wall ball 20/14#
Row (calories)
Box jump 24/20″
Double under


Tuesday 140617 WOD


1a) Pull up (strict) 4x max effort
Rest 60 seconds
1b) Ring dip – 4x max effort
Rest 60 seconds
2) Muscle up progressions


1a) Hollow rock – 4×10 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
1b) Arch rock – 4×10 seconds
Rest 10 seconds


For time:
Run 1 mile

Wednesday 140618 WOD


BB box step up – 4×6/side (use heaviest weight possible across all sets)


Complete 5 rounds for time of:
10 KB snatch /side
10 split jump /side

Thursday 140619 WOD


1) Snatch balance 2-2-2-2-2  (start using a moderately heavy weight and try to ascend weight across all sets.) Rest 60 seconds in between sets.
2a) Snatch first pull – 4×3 (3 second pause at knee) Use heaviest weight possible)
Rest 60 seconds
2b) Snatch push press 4-4-4-4  (ascend weight throughout all sets)


L-sit hold 3xME (max effort)


With time remaining in class, work on slaying your goats!  This means practice anything you suck at, or want to improve upon.


Friday 140620 WOD


Every minute for 12 minutes:
Odd minute – Dead lift x5  
Even minute – KB floor press x7
Complete 4 rounds for total time of:
400m run
7  power clean 185/115
10 burpee
Rest 1 minutes between each round.


Saturday 140621 WOD

In teams of two, complete the following…
3 rounds for time of:
Row 2000m (unstrapped) switching every 250m
30 power snatch 115/75
40 hand release push up
50 wall ball