Monday 140505 WOD


3 hang squat clean + 1 jerk, In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy complex for the day.


Hollow rock -8×20 sec/on 20 sec/off


For time, complete the following:
30 chest to bar pull up
100 double under
30 ground to overhead 115/85, 95//65, 75/45
100 double under

Tuesday 140506 WOD


Front squat – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy 3 for the day.



In 13 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
10 kb front squat 
10 kb push press (right)
10 kb front squat
10 kb push press (left)
200m run
Note: Use the same KB for this entire effort.
Rx 70/44
Lv2 53/44
Lv1 44/36

Wednesday 140507 WOD


1) Hang snatch   Demo Video – In 12 minutes, work up to a heavy single for the day, then:
2) Hang snatch – 1×3@95%, 1×3@90%
3x 30′ Arch/hollow roll + V-up – Demo Video



Complete 4 rounds for a total time of:
15 box jump overs 24/20, 20/16, 16/12″
20 push up (hand release)
25 KB swing 53/44, 44/36, 36/25
Rest 1 minute between each round


Thursday 140508 WOD


Clean pull – 5×5 heaviest possible across all sets.



Spend 10 minutes working on kipping HSPU


Complete sets of 21-15-9 of:
Power snatch 115/85, 95/65, 75/45
Bar facing burpee
Knees to elbows

Friday 140509 WOD


1a) Bench press 4×8 heaviest possible
Rest 60 seconds
1b) Pull up (strict) 4×5 – add weight if necessary
Rest 60 seconds



In 15 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
50 double under
10 kb high pull (left)
10 pistol (left)
10 kb high pull (right)
10 pistol (right)


Saturday 140510 WOD


Snatch balance – In 12 minutes, work up to a heavy single for the day.


Team WOD 
In teams of two, complete 5 rounds for time of:
20 dead lift – 225/155, 185/115, 135/95 
20 overhead squat – 95/65, 75/45, 55/35
200m run
Notes: Partition reps as necessary.  Both teammates must run 200m