May 2015
CFM WOD’s 5/18 – 5/23
Monday 150518 WOD
Dead lift – 4×6@75% of 2RM established on 150504
Rest a minimum of 2 minutes between sets.
Note: These are NOT touch and go reps, nor should they be dropped from the top. Pause 2 seconds between EVERY REP, staying tight while maintaining tension on the bar.
In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
15 Med ball clean 20/14
15 Med ball sit-up 20/14
200m Run
Tuesday 150519 WOD
Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 (starting at a moderately heavy load and ending at a 3RM)
Super set with –
Pull-up – Max effort unbroken
Every minute for 16 minutes (8 sets of each), alternate between the following movements –
Odd – 30 Double under
Even – 10 Burpee box jump 24/20″
Note: Scale reps to allow for at least 10 seconds rest before the start of each new minute.
Wednesday 150520 WOD
1 Snatch balance + 1 Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 (starting at a moderately heavy load and increase weight throughout)
Scale – 1 pressing snatch balance + 1 overhead squat
For time, complete sets of 1-10:
1 Power snatch 115/80
1 Overhead squat
1 Toes to bar
2 Power snatch
2 Overhead squat
2 Toes to bar
10 Power snatch
10 Overhead squat
10 Toes to bar
Competitors Class
3-position Power Snatch (floor, hang, hi-hang) – In 20 minutes, work up to a heavy complex.
4 rounds NFT (not for time)
5 Muscle-ups
:30 sec L-sit or 15-20 GHD sit-up
Skills & Drills – 5 minutes
-Double KB Clean/DB KB Front Squat
Practice with light weight
“The Eagle”
8 Rounds
8 Double KB Front Squats 53/35
20 M Farmers Carry 53/35
RX is Unbroken never setting the KB down for the entire 8 Rounds
Thursday 150521 WOD
For time, complete the following:
400m Run
50 Air squat
40 Kb swing 53/36
30 H.R. Push-up
800m Run
40 Air squat
30 Kb swing
20 H.R. Push-up
400m Run
30 Air squat
20 Kb swing
10 H.R. Push-up
Friday 150522 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for time of:
6 Power clean 135/95
6 Push press 135/95
6 Front squat 135/95
6 Bar roll out 135/95
Saturday 150523 WOD
As a team, in 25 minutes, complete AMRAP of:
Sled push 200m
Keg walk 200m
Tire flip 200m
Tire jump 30/each
Note: Work as a team, switching off between teammates as often as necessary.