Monday 150427 WOD


Fitness & Performance


Dead lift 3×7@65% of 2RM from 150330

Rest at least 2 minute between sets.

Note: This is de-load week.  Next Monday we will be finding our  new 2RM Dead lift.


For time, complete the following:

Row (cal)

Toes to bar

Box jump over 24/20″

Goblet squat 53/36

Fitness – perform 35 reps of each

Performance – perform 50 reps of each

Tuesday 150428 WOD




Bench press (close grip) 4×6-8 – Use weight that will allow for no less than 6 and no more than 8 reps per set.

Rest at least 2 minutes between sets.


In 8 minutes, ascend the rep ladder 3-6-9-12-15-18-21-etc…performing the following:

Push press 95/65




Bench press (close grip) 4×6-8 – Use weight that will allow for no less than 6 and no more than 8 reps per set.

Rest at least 2 minutes between sets.


In 8 minutes, ascend the rep ladder 3-6-9-12-15-18-21-etc…performing the following:

Push jerk  135/95

Chest to bar pull-up

Wednesday 150429 WOD


Fitness & Performance


Complete 5 rounds for time of:

400m Run

15 Overhead squat 95/65

Thursday 150430 WOD


Bring a Friend Day


Skill – Kettle bell swing (Russian)


Alternating every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (10 sets total), perform the following:

10 KB swing 70/53

5 Burpee


Tabata – Perform 8 rounds of 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest for each of the following movements.  Take a 1 minute break before the start of each movement.

Box jump 24/20″

Ab-mat sit-up

Jumping pull-up

Friday 150501 WOD



Mid hang power snatch 4×3 (start at a moderate weight and end with a 3RM)

Rest as needed


Mid hang power clean & push press 4×3 (start at a moderate weight and end with a 3RM)

Rest as needed


For time, complete the following:

12 Hang power snatch 75/50

25 Double under

12 Hang power clean and push press 75/50

25 Double under

9 Hang power snatch 95/70

25 Double under

9 Hang power clean and push press 95/70

25 Double under

6 Hang power snatch 115/90

25 Double under

6 Hang power clean and push press 115/90



Power snatch 4×3 (start at a moderate weight and end with a 3RM)

Rest as needed

Note: These are NOT “touch and go” reps.  Reset after every rep.


Power clean and jerk 4×3 (start at a moderate weight and end with a 3RM)

Rest as needed

Note: These are NOT “touch and go” reps.  Reset after every rep.


For time, complete the following:

12 Power snatch 115/80

25 Double under

12 Power clean and jerk 115/80

25 Double under

9 Power snatch 135/95

25 Double under

9 Power clean and jerk 135/95

25 Double under

6 Power snatch 155/105

25 Double under

6 Power clean and jerk 155/105

Saturday 150502 WOD


Fitness & Performance