Monday 141117 WOD


Back squat – Establish a 1 rep max.

Note: This will be used for our next squat cycle starting next Monday.


Accumulate 60 seconds holding an L-sit from the pull up rig


In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

8 front squat 135/95

8 burpee lateral bar hops

50 double unders

Tuesday 141118 WOD


1) Press – 5×5 – heavier than last week.

Rest at least 90 seconds in between sets.

2) Turkish getup – Establish a 1 rep max (with both hands) using a kb,bb or db.

3) Establish a 1RM box jump

Wednesday 141119 WOD



1) Hang snatch – in 10 minutes, work up to a heavy single.

2) On the minute for 7 minutes, perform 1 hang snatch at weight established from above.


For time, complete 3 rounds of:

30 kb swing

20 overhead squat

10 toes to bar

Thursday 141120 WOD



1a) Bench press 4×8-10

Rest 45 seconds

1b) Pendlay row 4×5-7

Rest 45 seconds

Notes: When working with the rep ranges above, chose a weight that allows you to reach NEAR failure between the two numbers.  If you perform less reps than prescribed, the weight is to heavy.  If you perform more reps than prescribed, the weight is to light.


For time, complete 7 rounds of:

10 chest to bar pull ups

10 hand release push ups

10 V-ups

100 m sprint

Friday 141121 WOD



Warm up – Spend 10 minutes warming up to a heavy complex of:

1 power clean + 1 thruster + 1 split jerk

Try to warm up to a weight approximately  5-15% heavier than what you will use below.


Every minute for 20 minutes perform the following:

Odd – Complex of 1 power clean + 1 thruster + 1 split jerk

Even – 7 burpee box jump

Scaled options

Complex of: 1 muscle clean + 1 front squat + 1 push press

Saturday 141122 WOD


“Team WOD”

In teams of two, perform the following:

1) Establish a max combined 5 rep max – Dead lift

Note: Score will equal a combined total of each teammates max lift of 5.

2)  F

Row 2000m – While one athlete is rowing, the other will stand in front of rower holding a dead lift at the top position @ 275/175

Athletes will switch every time the bar drops.

250 double unders – While one athlete is performing DU’s, the other will be performing a handstand hold.  When the athlete comes down from hold, the athletes will switch places.