Oct 2014
CFM WOD’s 10/20 – 10/25
Monday 141020 WOD
Strength 1) Push press 4-4-4-4 rest 60 -90 seconds between each set 2) Behind the neck split jerk 3-3-3-3 rest 60-90 seconds between each set PreCon 3 rounds of: 10 swing throughs (on rig) 3 push press (warm up to slightly more than wod #) 10 power jumps (DU without rope) Conditioning Complete 5 – 3 minute rounds of: 15 pull up 10 push press 95/65 30 double under Note: The clock will be continuous on this effort. Rest will be when you need it through out your set and any remaining time you have left once your done before the next set starts. Int: 80/50, Nov: 65/35 Scaling options Rep scheme 10pu, 5pp, 30du attempt Score equals total reps performed
Tuesday 141021 WOD
Back/front squat complex 5x4f/6b (heaviest weight possible across all sets) Note: Start each set with 4 front squats, rack bar, immediately get back under and perform remaining 6 back squats. PreCon 3 rounds of: 5 kb swing (ascend to working weight throughout) 10 sec hollow rock hold 10 walking lunge steps Conditioning In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of: 12 kb swing 70/44 9 V-ups 6 pistols/side Notes: Adjust your load and pace to that which allows you to move swiftly from one movement to the next only allowing oneself to rest during the transition. Score is total complete rounds and reps.Int: 53/36, Nov: 36/25
Scaling options Russian swing, abmat sit up, reverse lungeWednesday 141022 WOD
Weightlifting Power snatch 5×3 (use approx. 70-80% of your 1rm) Rest at least 60 seconds in between sets. Note: All reps must start from a dead stop (not touch and go). Take extra time allowing for the best set up possible. Try to achieve peek tension throughout your body from the start. PreCon 3 rounds of: 7 push up 10 second cobra pose 3 hang power snatch (ascend # throughout sets) Conditioning For time, complete the following: 5 bar facing burpees 4 hang power snatch 115/75 5 bar facing burpee 6 hang power snatch 5 bar facing burpee 8 hang power snatch 5 bar facing burpee 10 hang power snatch 5 bar facing burpee 12 hang power snatch 5 bar facing burpee Int: 95/60, Nov: 75/45 Scaling options hang muscle snatchThursday 141023 WOD
PreCon 3 rounds of: 10 lateral lunge w/3 sec hold at bottom 7 primal push through 5 box jump 15 sec plank hold Conditioning Complete 5 rounds for time of: 15 goblet squat 70/53 4 wall walk 15 box jump 24/20 20 plank shoulder taps (same hand/shoulder) Int: 53/36, 20/16, Nov: 44/25, 16/12 Scaling options 1/2 wall walk elbow plank shoulder taps rep scheme 10-2-10-15
Friday 141024 WOD
Strength Clean pull 4×3 @ 100% of max clean Note: Use 3-4 sets to warm up to your working weight paying attention to solid mechanics during first pull. Do NOT drop weight after each rep, lower it to the floor under control. Conditioning Every minute for 10 minutes, perform: Odd – 5 hang power clean Even – 10 toes 2 bar Rest 3 minutes, then: Every 40 seconds for 10 rounds, perform: Odd – 10 kb swing 70/53 Even – 10 abmat sit up Notes: Go as heavy as you can with the weighted movements. Have additional weight on hand to scale as needed within. Int: 53/36, Nov: 36/20 Scaling options hang muscle clean + knees to elbows or above waist russian kb swingSaturday 141025 WOD
PreWod Coaches choice Conditioning In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25 minutes of: 5 bar facing burpee 10 BB forward lunge steps 95/65 5 strict pull up 10 wall ball 20/14 Note: Only one athlete may move at a time, completing an entire round before partner goes. Both partners through a round equal one round. Int: 75/45, 14/12, Nov: 60/33, 10/8 Scaling options goblet forward lunge step banded pull up