Sep 2017
CFM Spotlight Athlete of the Month – Chris M.
- Member name – Chris Marden
- Age – 28
- Occupation – Public Safety Commander / Military Officer Candidate
- How long have you been a member at CFM? – 1 Year
- How often do you CrossFit? – 2-3 times per week
- Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how did it go? I don’t particularly remember my first WOD but I remember the feeling of defeat. Something that quickly became my fuel to succeed.
- What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform? Box Jumps!
- What has been your biggest challenge to overcome so far? Weights, weights and more weights. Coming into Crossfit Magnitude I did not want to lift weights because I wanted to work on my endurance and weight loss. Coach Chris convinced me that weightlifting is a key piece and can be an effective way to achieve overall strength pushing my endurance game that much further. I still don’t like weights but with time it has become more of a love/hate relationship.
- What sort of changes to your body, health & fitness have you seen since starting CrossFit? I have seen tremendous physical changes such as loss of weight, muscle growth and overall health changes such as cognitive clarity and feeling less tired throughout the work day.
- What has been your biggest achievement thus far, and what do you believe has been critical to its success? My biggest achievement is moving down that path to achieve the same level of physical fitness that I had graduating basic training. CrossFit Magnitude has played a critical role in this drive with advice from coaches and the entire positive atmosphere that is CrossFit Magnitude and its members brings to the table.
- What do you hope to achieve in the next 6 months, and how do you plan to get there? – In the next 6 months I plan on achieving top 3 in a local road races and several military fitness awards as well as a perfect APFT score. To get there I will rely on my coaches to push me and personal hard work and determination. But most importantly fellow CrossFitters to give me hope.
- Now that you’ve been CrossFitting for some time, are there any misconceptions you may have initially had coming into CrossFit that you now disagree with? I came into CrossFit without any real knowledge of gyms and an open mind.
- Any advice to new members getting started? Don’t let defeat put you down. Use defeat as your fuel to be better and live in a zone outside of comfort because this is where you will grow stronger.
- What are your hobbies outside of the CrossFit box? My hobbies include Obstacle Course Racing, Running, camping and hiking.
- Tell us something most people do not know about you? I am terrified of heights.