Jan 2015
CFM Challenge: 10 Grain Free Cooking Tips
We were all raised on PB&J sandwiches and spaghetti & meatballs. So when we tell you to stop eating bread and pasta, we know how you feel. However with a little targeted effort and discipline, you would be surprised just how easy it is to skip the grains.
Try it for a week and you would be amazed how your health could change. Are you still thinking, “what’s the point?” Check this out.
Here are ten tips on how to get the bread and pasta out of your kitchen. Give them a go! If you are capable of doing burpees and thrusters, you are certainly capable of giving this challenge a go.
Have Eggs For Breakfast. Skip The Cereal
Eggs are a brilliant source of protein that keeps you feeling full much longer than a bowl of cereal ever will. Still concerned about cholesterol? Take a peak at this
Make cauliflower rice instead of steamed white rice.
Are you a fan of curry or stir fry? Instead of using rice try using cauliflower. In a food processor, grate a head of cauliflower and steam or sauté the fluffy white stuff, toss it with some olive oil and you got your self a delicious alternative to the starchy stuff.
Zucchini your noodles.
For an alternative to spaghetti or wheat based pasta’s try roasting some finely sliced zucchini or summer squash. And serve with your favorite red sauce (or meat sauce). Another great option is spaghetti squash.
Try Lettuce, Not Tortillas.
Viva Fish Tacos! But lo siento, no tortillas this week. Instead a big piece of bib lettuce will do the job. Consider making some tacos or asian lettuce wraps. Don’t forget the Hot Sauce.
Dark Chocolate Is Your New Best Friend.
We all love cake, and cookies, and ice cream…and cookies & cream ice cream…but we all know those are not going to fly with this challenge. However, if you are in need of a sweet, try dark chocolate. It is a nutrient dense alternative to other sweets. If you are more familar to more intense sweet flavors (like all the good ones) try dipping some dark chocolate in some honey and nut butter. It is an experience.
Skip The Sandwich, Get the Salad.
Are you used to packing a sandwich for lunch. If so, try a salad…and just because you have a salad does not mean you have to eat like a rabbit. There are plenty of ingredients you can use to beef it up…like hard boiled eggs, avocados, grilled chicken, nuts, and so on. Do some research on how you can craft a tasty salad..you might even find that you look forward to lunch if you craft one to your liking…and don’t forget to pack the dressing on the side…no one likes soggy lettuce.
Sweet Potatoes Make For Good Buns.
Skip the bulky roll. The meat is the best part anyway. Instead try using two slices of a wide sweet potato as a bun. It is just as filling and looks pretty too.
Tequila Over Beer.
Just because you are looking to improve your dietary choices does not mean you have to hibernate on the weekend. If you wish to indulge in some social lubrication, reach for the spirits or wine instead of the bottle of suds. Hard liquor and wine have far less toxins in them, which means less of a hangover.
Stick To Whole Foods and Stay away from the packaged stuff.
We live in the age of marketing. This is especially true when it comes to the food we shop for. Walking down the grocery isle is now like walking down the isle at a library…every box is trying to tell you a story. Well unfortunately most of the time, the story doesn’t add up. “Gluten Free”… “Fat Free” …. “Kosher” are all buzz words that lead us to believe the food inside the box is good for you. Unfortunately, nine times out of ten it is not. Often there are preservatives, chemical fillers, binding agents, and other long words that do not do our body any good. It is much easier to buy whole foods and skip the nonsense. An idealist concept perhaps but when it comes down to your health, you are worth standing up for.
Make a Big Pot Of Soup.
One of the most nutritious ways to cook is making soups and stews. Not to mention it is simple and repeatable. Spend your Sunday night making a pot of stew and you have dinner for the next few nights. Don’t know what to make? Here are 43 recipes. 3…2…1 Go!