I have to say I am impressed at the overwhelming response to our athlete spotlight questionnaire we sent out the other week.  Our intention was to get the community to share some of their insight regarding CrossFit with new members or any onlookers to this site in an attempt to help them gain a better understanding of what we do and why.  Today’s spotlight athlete is Charles (Chuck) J.


First Name & Last Initial* *

Chuck J.




When did you first start CrossFitting?

August 2011

When did you first start training at CrossFit Magnitude?

June 2012

Favorite WOD


Least favorite WOD

How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD…What was it and how did it feel?

Started with my medic in Afghanistan. We would end up doing a couple a week and just got addicted to it. after completing the workouts we love how we felt completely destroyed

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CrossFit? (before/after)

Immense improvements in strength and conditioning. Always took flexibility for granted, much happier with it now and always seeking to improve more. I am happier and more energetic, topped with the new diet of healthier foods too.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit/CFM moments.

Watching everyone accomplish what they thought they couldn’t do.

Any advice for people just getting started?

Make a bet with yourself to do a minimum of 2 months . You will be surprised by how much of a change your body will make.

What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?

Hockey, shooting, Spartan Races/similar races

To add, Chuck is currently in our Instructor training program looking to become a Coach here at CFM in the very near future.

February 13, 2013 WOD


Bench press (close grip) 5×3  (heaviest possible)

Note: 2 second pause at bottom


complete sets of 21-15-9 for time of:

dead lift

lateral box jump

push up


Rx – 225/185, 20/16″

Lv2 – 185/135, 16/12″

Lv1 – 135/95, 12/6″