Nov 2012
Are you up for the Challenge???
Are you looking to dramatically improve your ability to do Double unders? If the answer is No, then stop reading this. If the answer is “Heck Yeah!”, then read on…
Starting today, the 1st of December, we wan’t you to challenge yourself and commit the next 31 days (the month of December) to improving your technique and thus your ability to perform Double unders.
Now, I know what you must be thinking – “I can’t even jump rope the standard way never mind the more advanced concept of a doing a double under”, or, “I don’t have the coordination I use to have when I was younger” , or, ” Can’t I just do CrossFit with out ever learning this – it’s just to difficult”.
It is important to realize that nothing in life comes easy, especially in CrossFit. The movements we perform doing CrossFit affect all of our bodily systems in an astronomical amount of ways. The double under is no exception. You will increase coordination (which you lose with every year you get older), improve your ability to keep your wind (increased stamina), as well as be able to increase your intensity during your Wod’s, by finishing with a faster time and with greater benefit. Plus, you’ll finally get the chance to put that Rx on the board next to your name (which if you don’t already know, I don’t take lightly).
Suprisingly enough, CrossFitters with double unders are just happier all around people – just ask someone who has them already!
Bottom line, if you want to raise your game as a CrossFitter, don’t pass up this opportunity to do so.
Heres how it works.
Every day, whether you are working out with us at CrossFit Magnitude or at home, make it a point to add to your warmup 4 minutes of skipping rope. Start off with single unders, maintain perfect technique, and once your feeling really good….Go for it. Spin those wrist faster, stay focused and attempt just one. Once the 4 minutes is up move on. This isn’t a workout, this is just a minor warmup/ skill session.
Your goal is to be able to do 5 double unders unbroken by the 31st of December. The best part is, if you hit this milestone and do so with one of your coaches present, we will drop down and give you 20 burpees on demand – because you know how much we all love to do burpees!
Heres the bottom line…If you want to succeed at anything in life, you must be consistent and committed fully to what your trying to achieve. No one will be holding your hand through this so take it upon yourself and make this challenge a way to develop a “secret weapon” addded to your already expanding aresenal of ways to increase your fitness!
Your going to love the feeling when you finally succeed at this!
* getting your own jump rope customized to your size will increase your chances of success 10 fold. Thinner is not always better as they are much faster meaning it is typically harder to learn for most. Too thick on the other hand can lend to the same problem. Ask your coach for recommendations next time you’re in.
Rx Jump Ropes – This is a great place to purchase a customized jump rope. This is what I use personally.
December 1, 2012 WOD
Double unders
BB Acrobatics
2 position clean 7×1 (1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean)
Complete sets of 21-15-9 of:
Pull up
Rx – 95/65
Lv2 – 75/45
Lv1 – 55/25