Dec 2013
A Farewell & Warm Welcome!
It’s a big FAREWELL to one of our original Coaches – Caitlin C. From opening day Caitlin has been a key member of our team here at CrossFit Magnitude. She was like a Mother to our early birds at the 5:15am class, heading up the pre-dawn warriors from day one.
Caitlin helped us get our CrossFit kids program going which is starting to becoming excitingly popular. She also kept everyone in check during our Whole Life Challenges. Caitlin will always be remembered for her enthusiasm for endurance. She will be missed…but never forgotten! We wish her the best of success in all her future endeavors.
To fill her shoes in her absence, we are happy to welcome Coach Marc S. full time to our team moving forward. An affiliate owner once himself as well as a CrossFit Games Official Judge, Marc is a coach who has spent years following his passion for CrossFit wherever it takes him. We are glad it took him here!
For the new year, we will be making noticable additions and improvements to CrossFit Magnitude, our programming, our class offerings and related activities. Some of these include:
Strong Man Saturdays – Starting in January
A Spring running team, which we will be looking for a Captain soon in our efforts to prepare you for Race Season
Boot camp workouts with a new flavor including agility/coordination drills.
More olympic lifting classes coming to the a.m.
Mobilize ME classes mid week
And best of all, no need to reserve childcare anymore as we are making it available daily for your little ones.
The year ahead is going to be an amazing one and we look forward to helping you reach all of your goals into the future!
December 23, 2013 WOD
Strength 1) In 12 minutes, work up to a 3RM dead lift 2) Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes perform 3 dead lift with weight established from aboveConditioning In 12 minutes, complete AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of: 5 ground to overhead 7/10 pull ups 30 double unders
Rx – 135/95 Lv2 – 115/75 Lv1 – 85/55