Aug 2012
A better Understanding of WLCW
Whole Life Challenge Worldwide
The Whole Life Challenge began with the notion that regular training for your lifestyle in the world is as valuable as regular training for your body in the gym. It grew into a game in which your world is the field, your choices are the movements, and your life is the prize.The Whole Life Challenge is not something you win in the way you are used to winning something. The Whole Life Challenge is not a competition like any you’ve every taken part in. This is not the Olympics. The goal is not to be perfect. The goal is to be honest and create from there. You won’t best the other players or beat the competition. Make no mistake, however, this is a game and you can win.The Whole Life Challenge is a brand new way of looking at your life. Your whole life. How does it work? Where are your opportunities? What does a life lived inside of a commitment to real, long term, sustainable, practical health, fitness, and overall well-being look like? It certainly isn’t about beating your brains out in the gym day after day. It can’t be about a restrictive, ascetic dietary regimen. And it definitely isn’t living like your health is a problem to solve and your life is something to fix.The Whole Life Challenge is an extraordinary tool. For building. It doesn’t fix anything — it only builds new things. What do you want your life to look like? What excites you, enlivens you? This challenge will have you living a life where you can have it all. You want vibrant health and you want to enjoy all of the exciting things the world offers — work that rewards and play that rewards. When this is over, your work will be integrated with your play. They will cause and support each other, the will no longer sabotage each other.Play this game like you want to know, not like you already know. Be great — Own your perfect days and your breakdown days. Be clear about what works and what doesn’t work. See where you can make a difference that lasts longer than the 8 weeks of the challenge. Do that, and you will transform your life more than you imagine. You can have it all. This is where it starts.
Welcome to the Whole Life Challenge? What will you build with it?
Important dates for you:
Sign up here: https://www.wholelifecha
WLC Site Navigation: http://www.y
Cost: $45
Friends & Family Welcome
No CrossFit Experience Needed.
This will change your life!
August 18, 2012 WOD
7×1 – 3 Front squat + 1 push jerk (heaviest possible)
5 rounds for time of:
Suicides – 350m total
20 Abmat sit ups
20 kb snatch – 10/side
Rest 60 seconds between rounds
Rx – 52/36
Lv2 – 44/26
Lv1 – 36/20