Apr 2012
A Better Approach!
Hey guys! Just a reminder to those who have yet to check out the sites daily blog or those who haven’t been to class in a few days, we are changing things up already. First, there is a REQUIREMENT to sign up ahead of time for classes online at www.crossfitmagnitude.com under the schedule link. Just pick a day and time and click on it, then scroll to the bottom and look for the sign in link. If you didn’t get a password or lost the one you were given, just shoot me an email or phone call and I’ll send another one your way. Second, we will be modifying our approach to make you all elite CrossFitters. Our plan is to have Beginner/Foundational class, and a regular full fledged CrossFit class. You MUST test out of the beginner/foundational class before attending a Regular CrossFit class. The logic is quite simple. In order to do some of the more advanced level movements, there are pre-requisites that must be satisfied first to safely and effectively learn these more difficult movements. You wouldn’t just jump into an advanced level calculus class before understanding basic math. Your GOAL should be to become great at all these prerequisite lifts so that you can steadily progress as a CrossFit athlete. No need to rush as there will be no time limit to satisfy this requirement. The ‘Test out’ will require you to show competency in the basic CrossFit movements including, but not limited to:
Air Squat – Back Squat – Front Squat – Overhead Squat – Dead lift – Sumo Dead Lift High Pull – Medicine Ball Clean – Over Head KB Swing – Thruster – Press – Push Press – Push Jerk
There will be a ‘Test Out’ in order to get access into a regular CrossFit class. This will be a private 30-60 minute session with the head coach and there will be a $50 fee. If you are a beginner and fail to pass, the time remaing in your session will be for coaching the movements that gave you trouble and to provide necessary corrective exercises and feed back that will leave you with a better understanding of what you need to do to improve. If you feel like you are presently ready for the ‘Test Out’, please feel free to contact us right away and schedule your ‘Test Out’ session. Every one is required to do this at one point or another, as the beginner/foundational class will only bring you so far on your journey. In my opinion, the average person should have at least 4-6 months experience with the basics before attempting to take the test. It will be a standard pass or fail, and no refunds will be rewarded. You may attempt the ‘Test Out’ as many times as you wish. For new members who have not yet signed up, you will have the option of using your ‘Free Intro’ as a ‘Test Out’ and will be waived the $50 dollar fee. IF you are a current member who believes you are already capable of passing, I will allow you in the next two weeks to schedule, free of charge, a ‘Test Out’ session as you were not given this option at the time of your sign up. For everyone else, stay consistent and committed to getting better, and before to long, you will be ready to ‘Test Out’.
The new schedule will be posted later this week so please do not sign up for any classes for the following week.
Caitlin and I look forward to helping each and every one of you meet or exceed your goals and will do everything in our power to get you there! See you all soon.
Heres a good motivational video to keep you striving to be your best.
April 17, 2012 WOD
Sumo dead lift high pull 5-5-5-5
Bent over row 5-5-5-5
For time, complete the following:
100 meter sprint
20 walking lunge steps with 45/25# overhead plate carry
20 kb swings 1.5 pood/1 pood
100 meter sprint
18 walking lunge steps with 45/25# overhead plate carry
18 kb swings
100 meter sprint
16 walking lunge steps with 45/25# overhead plate carry
16 kb swings 1.5 pood/1 pood
100 meter sprint
14 walking lunge steps with 45/25# overhead plate carry
14 kb swings 1.5 pood/1 pood
100 meter sprint
12 walking lunge steps with 45/25# overhead plate carry
12 kb swings 1.5 pood/1 pood
100 meter sprint
10 walking lunge steps with 45/25# overhead plate carry
10 kb swings 1.5 pood/1 pood