Here at CrossFit Magnitude, we like to keep things constantly varied. In the name of achieving a high level of fitness and general physical preparedness, we must train using numerous protocols, movements, skills, metabolic pathways, etc… This calls for constantly changing the parameters in which we train, being as varied as possible. Also, you should not dwell on the workout performed today hoping you may see it again sometime soon, rather focus on what lays ahead tomorrow and how you can best prepare for it (the only exception to this is a benchmark WOD, which is used to test or compare your fitness level against a prior time in your training).
Also, keep in mind we like to do things hard and fast, keeping things short and sweet (using Intensity). As Coach Glassman once said “At CrossFit intensities, it becomes debilitating. We use it sparingly and go all out! This is ‘combat’ or ‘getting out of the burning building’ fitness”. Long gone are the days of long duration, steady state, low intensity cardio as a means to achieving a high level of fitness. Coach G. also reminded us that “An athlete diminished by excessive aerobic training is slow and weak”. In CrossFit, we call that state, ‘spun down’. “Training at low levels of intensity for long periods only does one thing – it decreases your anaerobic capacity” – your strength, speed and power, most importantly. Here at CrossFit Magnitude, we strive each and every day to improve upon these very things. “If some days seem relatively easy in comparison to other days, that is because workouts either before or coming are tortuous and the backing off is warranted. We are feeding you a regimen that represents the ultimate challenge to the world’s best athletes” More great words from Coach! Put your best foot forward each and every day and the results will be at the very least, excessively rewarding!
~Coach Chris