Monday 141201 WOD


Back squat

Warm up sets – 7@empty bar, 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@60%

Work sets – 3@70%, 3@80%, 3 or more @90%

Note: For your last set (the most important set), try to get as many reps as you can.  3 reps is the MINIMUM.


Complete 5 rounds for time of:

7 front squat 135/85

10 lateral burpee bar hops

Int: 115/70

Nov: 95/55, 4 rounds


Tuesday 141202 WOD




3 push press + 1 split jerk – in 15 minutes, establish a heavy complex for the day.


In 12  minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

7 shoulder to overhead 115/75

7 chest to bar pull up

30 double under

Int: 95/55, Nov: 75/35, jumping c2b pull up, 60 singles, 10 minutes

Wednesday 141203 WOD


Kb snatch (from swing)


Complete 4 rounds –  performing 1 minute of work at each of the following stations. There is no rest in between movements. Score equals total reps.

Kb swing 70/44

Hand release push up

Row (calories)

Toes to bar

Rest 2 minutes


Thursday 141204 WOD


Medicine ball clean


1) Snatch – In 20 minutes, establish a 3rm.

2) Clean & Jerk – In 20 minutes, establish a 3rm.

Notes: if you are a novice with the Olympic lifts, work on these instead:

– snatch/clean first pull (3 sec hold)

– snatch/clean dead lift/pulls

– hang muscle snatch/clean

– power snatch/clean

Friday 141205 WOD


For time, complete the following:

200m run

25 handstand push up

200m run

50 pull up

200m run

75 box jump 24/20″

200m run

100 wall ball 20/14

Int: 20/16″, 14/12, rep scheme 20-40-60-80

Nov: 16/12″, 10/8, rep scheme 15-30-45-60

 Saturday 141206 WOD


Team WOD

Something awesome, so be sure to come!