Monday 141124 WOD

Today is the start of our next Squat cycle.  We will be using the Wendler protocol again as this brought everyone impressive gains the last time we used it.  Come prepared, know what your “Starting weight” is.  To determine, take 90% of your 1RM (we found this # last Monday).  EX…If my one RM was 235, my “Starting weight” will be 211.5.  All percentages used for the first cycle will be calculated off of this number, not your original 1RM.   Do not disregard this step, as this protocol was meant to start “Low and Slow” using sub max weights.


Squat- 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5

Note: The last set you will perform your 5 and if you have anything left in the tank, use it! Do not get sloppy, make sure these extra reps are good


For time, complete the following:
21 thrusters 115/75
100 double unders
15 thrusters
75 double unders
9 thrusters
50 double unders

Tuesday 141125 WOD


1a) KB/DB Press 4×8
rest 45 seconds
1b) Chin Up (supinated grip) 4×6
rest 45 seconds


For time, complete the following in teams of two:
Strict 30 minute time cap*
150 kb swing 70/44
125 box jumps 24/20
100 calorie row
75 push up
50 toes to bar
25 handstand pushups
Note: If you cannot perform 6 body weight chin ups, select a band that will allow you to perform in between 5-7 a set.  If you can only do 4 its to small, if you can do 8 the band is to big for you.
Int: 53/36, 20/16″
Nov: 44/36 (russian), 16/12″, wall walk

Wednesday 141126 WOD


1) Hang Squat Clean – In 10 minutes work up to a heavy (not maximum, double for the day)

2) Every minute for 7 minutes perform 2 hang squat cleans using weight from above


In 9 minutes complete as many rounds as possible of:
8 power cleans 155/105
25 wall ball 20/14

Int: 135/85, 14/12, Nov: 95/55, 10/8

CrossFit WOD

Friday 141128 WOD


1) power snatch- 7×2


1) Snatch 1st pull- 4×3 (heavist possible)
2) Snatch Press (strict) 4×5 (heaviest possible)
Rest at least 90 seconds between sets.

 Note: Use around 75-85% of max p. snatch.  Focus should be on making good contact at the hips, and obtaining good elbow lock out before finishing to the top.  No pressing out any reps!!!

Saturday 141129 WOD

Team WOD

The Clock will be set for 12 rounds of two minutes. The first minute, athlete A performs as many reps as possible. Both atheltes move onto the next movement for the next two minutes. Teams will go through sequence 2x. Score equals total accumulated reps.

0:00-2:00 burpee
2:00-4:00 KB swing
4:00-6:00 Double Unders
6:00-8:00 Abmat Situp
8:00-10:00 Pistols
10:00- 12:00 rope climb