Monday 140908 WOD


Thruster – 7×1

Rest as needed in between sets.

Notes: Warm up to about 85% of what you could do for 1RM, then perform 7 singles with that weight focusing on solid technique – A good rack position down and up, with a strong hip opening allowing for an easier press to the top.

Adv: Perform a cluster – Clean from floor right into a thruster.

Int: Power clean from floor, then thruster from front rack position.

Nov: Take from racks and perform thruster.


For time, complete sets of 21-15-9-6-3 of:

Pull up

Push press

Adv: 115/75

Int: 95/60

Nov: 65/45

Tuesday 140909 WOD


Complete the following for time:

Row 500m, then:

50 air squat

50 kb swing

10 toe to bar

40 air squat

40 kb swing

10 toe to bar

30 air squat

30 kb swing

10 toe to bar

20 air squat

20 kb swing

10 toe to bar

10 air squat

10 kb swing

10 toe to bar

Focus: Try to set a pace where you can perform every single movement in 3 sets or less.  The better your technique, the easier this will be to accomplish.

Adv: 53/36, Int: 44/25, Nov: 36/20

Wednesday 140910 WOD


Bench press – In 20 minutes, establish a 1rm for the day.  Then perform 1@95%, 1@90%


In 13 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

200m run

10 burpee

2 muscle up

Int: jumping muscle up – set rings up to allow a 3-6″ dip and jump.

Nov: 5 false grip ring pull ups + 5 ring jump to support.

Thursday 140911 WOD


1) Snatch 1st pull 3×3 (heaviest possible)

2) Snatch pull 3×3 (heaviest possible)

3) Tall snatch 3×5 (light and fast)

4) Snatch press (strict) 3×5 (heaviest possible)

Rest 1-2 minutes between all sets.

Friday 140912 WOD


Back squat (Tempo 33×0) 7×1 @80% of 1rm

Rest as needed between sets.

Notes: The tempo is 3 seconds down, 3 second pause at bottom, fast to top, then right into next rep without rest at top.


For time, complete sets of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 of:

Power clean

Front squat

* perform 7 box jumps after rounds 1,3,5,7 &9.

Adv: 30/24″

Int: 24/20″

Nov: 20/16″

Notes: Use a weight that focuses on your goals (lighter weight = metabolic, heavier weight = strength).

Post your  load and time.

Saturday 140913 WOD


Spend 15 minutes practicing a movement that is in need of improvement. Stay focused and use this time wisely.


In teams of two, complete the following:

Partner A – run 400m

Partner B – hand release push up

Each partner only performs each 1x.  Every rep equals 1 point.


Partner A – run 400m

Partner B – pull up

Each partner only performs each exercise 1x.  Every rep equals 1 point.


Partner A – run 400m

Partner B – ground to overhead

Adv: 135/85, Int: 95/65, Nov: 65/35

Each partner only performs each exercise 1x. Every rep equals 1 point.


Partner A – run 400m

Partner B – bar facing burpee

Each partner only performs each exercise 1x. Every rep equals 1 point.


Partner A – run 400m

Partner B – double under

Each partner only performs each exercise 1x. Every 10 reps equals 1 point.


Score equals total points accumulated by team for entire piece.