Monday 140630 WOD


3 – position clean (thigh, knee, floor) + 1 jerk – 5×1 – heavy, but smooth.


Accumulate 2 minutes in an elbow plank hold.


For time, complete the following:
100 double under
40 kb swing 53/36
75 double under
30 kb swing
50 double under
20 kb swing
25 double under
10 kb swing


Tuesday 140701 WOD


Warm up to a heavy Press (around 75-80% of 1rm) and the pull up, then for 10 minutes perform:
Even minutes – x5 Press (strict)
Odd minutes – ME (max effort) Pull up


Complete 5 rounds for a total time of:
2oom run
7 front squat 155/105
7 push press 155/105
Rest 1 minute between rounds.


Wednesday 140702 WOD


3 – position power snatch (mid thigh, knee, floor) 5×1 -heavy, but smooth.


Accumulate 60 seconds in an L-sit hold from pull up rig.


For time, complete the following:
Row 500m, then complete sets of 21-15-9 of:
Ground to overhead 135/95
Box jump 24/20


Thursday 140703 WOD


Back squat – 5-5-3-3-2 (ascend across all sets).


5 rounds for total time of:
20 pull up
30 push up
40 sit up
50 air squat
Rest 3 minutes in between rounds

Friday 140704 WOD

“Happy Independence Day”


Home WOD
10 rounds for time of:
5 shuttle sprints (25 m increments)
10 burpee
30 double under

Saturday 140705 WOD

Home WOD
Following the Tabata protocol of 8 rounds, 20 seconds  of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, complete the following movements with a 1 minute break in between each.
Hand stand hold
Lunge jumps
Hollow/arch hold (switch every round)
Pike push up
V-sit up