Apr 2012
Revised Schedule Starts Today!
The new schedule is set! Hopefully there is a class time scheduled that will fit everyones busy day. As you may have noticed, there are a lot more beginner classes than anything else. This is self explanatory. As more people start ‘Testing out’ you will start to notice less beginner classes and more ‘regular CrossFit’ classes. Class size will remain capped at 10 until more coaches are available. This is strictly for ‘YOU’ the member! As class sizes increase, quality of coaching as well as available equipment goes down. Remember, you must sign in and reserve a spot on our website under the calendar link. I spent the entire afternoon (during the Bruins game I wish I could have seen) entering each and every member into the new system so they can sign up without an issue. I know I messed at least one of you up! Contact me right away if you’re having any issues.
If you didn’t notice on the calendar, there are two NEW BOOT CAMP classes now being offered on Thursday and Saturday. This class will not be doing the regular workout of the day, instead, a more fast paced, non stop, ‘get your sweat on’ type of class open to anyone and everyone.
The ‘CrossFit Classes’ that you see on the calendar are for members who have ‘tested out’ of the beginners/foundations class. Here is the place you will learn everything CrossFit! Olympic lifting and Ring work will be common practice in these classes. There will never be a dull moment in these classes!
Just want to say hats off to all who participated in this weekends Team WOD. It takes a lot of courage to step outside the box and take on the unknown and unknowing!
April 22, 2012 WOD
Skill/Strength: Push jerk 5-5-5-5-5
1) every 30 seconds for 5 minutes, complete:
2 push press + 1 front squat 95/65#
2) every 30 seconds for 5 minutes, complete:
3 kb swings + 3 hand release push ups
3) 80 air squats for time
CrossFit (non-beg)
Barbell Acrobatics:
Clean (squat) 3-3-3-3-3 rest 60 sec
1) 10 minutes to establish 1RM Front Squat
2) 3x ME handstand pushups – rest 2 minutes
For time, complete the following:
Row 1,000m
75 pullups
250 Double unders