Nov 2012
People Are Making Progress
***No Open Gym today***
I wanted to post the results of the top 8 challengers of the Whole Life Challenge. This was a very close race to the finish and to be honest with you, the scoring system used to grade this challenge was a little skewed. What I mean is that if you did not have a lot to lose from the start (strictly speaking to the measurement portion), you were almost guaranteed a poor score on that portion. This obviously resulted in a first place finisher of the Diet portion not even making top 5 overall. But, considering this was a challenge across modal domains, the other portions of this challenge allowed you to make up lost ground where needed. As I did not come up with the Normaliziing method of scoring used in this challenge, the results of the challenge were completely out of my hands. Just know that making it to the end of this challenge was a victory on its own and regardless of what your end “numbers” looked like, you still made great progress and a big change for the better. That has got to count for something! You are ALL Winners in my eyes!
Here are the scores for the top 8 challengers:
Scoreboard points Measurement points WOD points Total Points
Lori S. 1.87 1 1 3.87
Janet K 1.89 .94 .91 3.74
Janet P. 1.93 .52 .91 3.36
Brad W. 1.90 .82 .60 3.32
Lindsay M. 2 .52 .60 3.12
Michelle C. 1.90 .58 .60 3.08
Amy K. 1.42 .70 .60 2.72
Mike D. 1.6 .35 .43 2.38
Now that was a close one!
Here is Elise T. getting her first Kipping pull up! I am so proud of her consistency and solid effort in the last seven months both here at CrossFit Magnitude and her other home away from home Pioneer Valley CrossFit. Way to go Elise!
November 20, 2012 WOD
Jumping Good Morning 5×5 (heavy and clean) DEMO (courtesy of The Outlaw Way)
Complete the following for total reps:
2 minute ME Double unders
Rest 1 minute
2 minute ME Pull ups
Rest 1 minute
2 minute ME Push ups
Rest 1 minute
2 minute ME Wall ball
Rest 1 minute
2 minute ME Row for calories
Score is total reps combined for all 5 efforts.
Rx – 20/14# Wallball
Lv2 – 14/12
Lv1 – 12/8