The leanness of your body, the speed in which you can run a mile, your current levels of cholesterol, your body fat percentage, or how much strength you possess all have one thing in common – They are the culmination of all your efforts up to this point in time.
I remember way back in the day (24 years ago), while I was warming up for my very first training session under the guidance of my fitness mentor and hero – my dad – he said to me “Once you start this journey towards the new and improved you, it can never be stopped for the rest of your life”.
I am not sure I really understood what he was saying to me then, but looking back on it, it is now very clear. Putting your time and effort into training, eating healthy, and making sound lifestyle choices is not just a recipe to get you to your goals, it is also the recipe to sustain everything you worked so hard to achieve.
If I decided right now that I was going to throw the towel in, and turn my back on everything I do on a daily basis to improve and maintain my current state of fitness, I would be saying goodbye to all of the benefits I’ve enjoyed over the years from doing so.
I want you to stop and take a moment to think about something – How do you currently look, feel, and perform? Are you good with it? Wish you could stay that way forever?
If you answered – I look great, I feel great, and can handle anything life throws at me, then that’s fantastic. I am proud of you, and am happy for your current successes. Here’s what you need to know…Everything you are currently doing, you must continue to do to, if you are to maintain your current state.
If you answered – I want to look better, feel better, and struggle less in my activities of daily living, it must be realised that your current efforts aren’t quite enough. Don’t get me wrong, you may be in a transitional phase, where change is occurring little by little (the best way), but if you notice things have been static, or unchanging, then you need to increase your outputs in certain areas.
The other day during a training session I had an ah-hah moment. I thought…I like where I am at. I feel good, I look good (very subjective), and can do anything in life that I so desire without feeling inadequate. So I started to think about everything I do on a day to day basis that has helped me get to this point in time. Then my next thought was, can I realistically do this for the rest of my life to maintain it. Without hesitation, the answer was a resounding YES!
Please understand that my current achievements have come through a lot of HARD work and dedication, and nothing has ever come easy or without struggle.
I currently train four days per week. I rest/recover the other three days. I eat a mainly organic diet, full of meat and veggies, nuts and seeds, and fruit. I sleep 8+ hours per night. I stretch and mobilize regularly. I even meditate.
And… I also skip training days on occasion, and enjoy the occasionalI hamburger, pizza, and ice cream cone. I even stay up a little later on the weekends.
As you can see, I am far from perfect. And…I can still achieve my goals. I’ve just found what works for me, and what I can bare to sustain over time. With a little bit of trial and error, you can easily find what works for you too.
If you have aspirations of being healthy, fit, and full of vigor, you will have to accept the fact that the journey will be long, and the efforts it will take to get you there will be hard, both physically and mentally.
I think once you understand these facts, and convince your mind to accept them, you have already taken the first step towards success. Only those who are completely dedicated and committed to the cause will truly find what they are looking for.
Walking the talk has always been a priority for me. If you need help on deciding which path you should take, help will always be right here waiting for you. Myself, along with all of our amazing coaches at CrossFit Magnitude are eager to show you the way!
Coach Chris