Oct 2019
Spotlight Athlete of the Month – Jeff Putnam
Are you in the Over or Under 40 age group? The “Well over 40” Age Group, 54 coming up soon. Yes, just a number, but I am more aware than ever that Rx “minus” fits me best
Roughly, how long have you been CrossFitting for? 4yrs, joining CrossFit Magnitude was 1st in Oct 2015. Aside from a couple multi-week pauses for healing, CFM has been a welcomed and consistent commitment to my fitness ever since.
What was the driving force behind your decision to start? My wife Tina started at Magnitude before I did. Our children were very young, and I had a stretch of inactivity just focused on babies and family. She went through CFM onboarding, and workouts for a decent stretch, but ultimately thought WOD’ing was more my style. The rest is history.
What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform? These will probably receive a “Really?” response.. I like Squats! Back squats, front squats, tempo based or deep pauses, heavy weight (>300), all fine by me. And I kind of like burpees too. They were an ingrained part of HS and college wrestling workouts, so a familiar movement for me. Great for the engine!
If you could have any super powers, what would it allow you to do? Like ULLR God of Snow, I would create huge snow dumps every Thursday night, after we’ve arrived in VT so every East ski weekend would be pow days! I would have lots of ski/ride friends too!
What sort of changes to your body, health, and fitness have you seen since starting CrossFit? I was a former competing bodybuilder in 90s, and spent years on the aesthetics of training, focused on what the mirror said. I’ve found CrossFit to be a very refreshing change to mundane circuit workouts and isolation type movements. I’d consider myself an avid cyclist and skier, and found x-fit workouts to allow me to jump right into mid-winter fitness with ski legs and biker lungs.
Did you ever have any misconceptions before starting CrossFit that you now disagree with? No misconceptions, but it’s reputation of being an injury ridden fitness protocol is a regular topic brought up in casual fitness conversations. Having Fitness & Performance options and great CFM coaches who understand member needs, and can prescribe appropriate scales are welcomed benefits of my CrossFit experience!
Any advice to new members getting started? Stick with it, work hard within your own limitations, and you’ll raise your personal fitness bar exponentially. You’ll be doing things you wouldn’t have thought possible and your CrossFit community will become some of your best friends and biggest advocates.
What are you up to when you’re not at CFM? My wife and I are fully committed to giving our girls the best kid experiences we possibly can. AKKA Karate, Soccer, Track and of course, Stowe, VT skiing. We try to make 25-30 days per season as a family, so Saturday partner WOD’s are soon replaced by snow lunges down Mt. Mansfield. Can’t wait!
Tell us something most people do not know about you? Ancient History here: I wrestled first team 140# for the Massachusetts Jr. National Greco-Roman and Freestyle teams. I also won Mr. Maine ‘92 NPC Middleweight bodybuilding championship. If you’re heard the rumors about unicycles, that’s also true. For almost 15yrs, I rode unicycles exclusively, owned a small business Mountainuni.com and created a proprietary disc brake kit that sold worldwide, without competition for about 2yrs. Chris and I have discussed planning around a balance skills class and learning to ride a UNI. Stay tuned, expressed interest can light this up. 🙂