Aug 2012
Take a deep breath!
I have noticed some of you are having some concerns over what the proper technique is for breathing while lifting heavy objects. Regardless of the weight being lifted, there are a few techniques to keep in mind that will not only keep things safe, but will also help you lift heavier. For starters, take a huge breath of air before any lift. No just any kind of breath, but one that will fill your belly full of air. To make sure you are filling your belly and not just your lungs, make sure your shoulders are not raising upward. A correct breath should leave the shoulders in there normal position. Once the belly is full, engage your transverse abdominus by pulling your belly to your spine. Some people do the opposite by pushing out, but this is often used by powerlifters who are trying to resist against a weight belt to create tension and tightness. The transverse abdominus is the bodies natural weight belt, which helps to protect the spine and pelvis. Once you take your breath, and engage the transverse abdominus, you are ready to lift. Always keep your breath and tightness throughout the lift. The best time to let your breath out is once you have past your sticking point and are heading back to your starting point. If for any reason you cannot execute the lift and get ‘stuck’ start to slowly relieve pressure by letting the breath hiss out slowly. This will prevent you from passing out which is never a good idea when you have heavy weight in the mix. Failure to let the breath out slowly can also be bad. This will cause complete loss of tension in the torso which will destabilize the spine leading to possible back injury. If you still have any concerns about proper breathing techniques just ask one of your coaches and they will be more than happy to clarify.
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August 21, 2012 WOD
7×1 Split jerk (heavy, but fast)
Notes: Stay focused on dropping your hips extremely fast. Do NOT attempt a 1rm, rather stay at a weight that you can maintain perfect form.
Complete sets of 3-6-9-12-9-6-3 for time of:
Power snatch
Toes to bar
Rx – 115/75
Lv2 – 95/55
Lv1 – 75/35