Jun 2019
Rock Solid Body Comp Summer Challenge
Overview: Contestants will begin their challenge with a “pre-challenge” lecture on June 15th, covering all things nutrition & lifestyle practices that will lend hand towards a leaner, more solid and favorable body composition (lose fat, gain muscle). After the lecture, contestants will complete their pre-challenge body comp scan. It is now when the challenge really begins.
Objective: To create the greatest positive change in body composition. This can be achieved a few different ways, from the loss of body fat, or the accumulation of lean muscle tissue. Note – If you were to drop 3 percent body fat, and lost 2 pounds of lean muscle tissue, it wouldn’t reign supreme over someone who lost 1 percent body fat, an added 1 pound of lean muscle tissue. We will cover what this means and how to come out on top at our lecture.
- Lecture and pre-challenge scan, and official start date – June 15th @ 7:00am
- Post -challenge scan & finish, – August 31st
*Anyone who would like to complete the challenge with us, but can not make June 15th @ 7:00am for the lecture and pre-scan, we will be offering times both before and after for your scan, and will have all material covered online for viewing at your leisure.
Who: Open to anyone, members and non-members alike (tell a friend!)
Cost: $89
Contestants will have access to a Private Challenge Facebook Group page, where weekly tips, recipes, and advice will be shared.
We will announce 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners after the final scan has been taken on August 31st. Winners will be based off of 2 categories – Bodyfat %, and Lean Muscle Mass.
Cash prize for 1st place winner, based off how many contestants we have. 50 people, means $500.00 cash!
Link to Sign-up – https://crossfitmagnitude.sites.zenplanner.com/membershipTemplate-view.cfm?membershipTemplateId=4851AFAD-32C3-446B-9E1C-4757FCA98340