Mar 2019
Spotlight Athlete of the Month – Michael Murray
- How young are you? Still 40 while writing this but won’t be for long.
- Where were you born and where did you grow up? Born at South Shore Hospital…grew up in Duxbury.
- If you could have any super powers, what would it allow you to do? I always thought flying would be the best super power but now I’d say the ability to heal within seconds.
- What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform? I love seeing muscle ups and handstand pushups in a WOD, but also enjoy weight lifting, especially working on heavy cleans and snatches.
- If you won a million dollars, what’s your first purchase? Great question, I’m a saver so my first thought would be to keep adding to my retirement account. Then I would look for someone selling tickets and take my kids to the Masters golf tournament for the week!
- What sort of changes to your body, health & fitness have you seen since starting CrossFit? I mostly notice having a stronger core and stronger lower body since starting CrossFit thanks to the constant squatting and deadlifting. Going to the gym and working hard has always been a part of my life but I only focused on lifting weights and getting stronger until I started CrossFit four years ago. I’ve realized there’s so much more to being fit than just lifting weights and doing some treadmill. I immediately loved the variety of movements and metabolic conditioning combined with the strength training that CrossFit has shown me and I’m by far stronger and fitter than I’ve ever felt in my life.
- Now that you’ve been CrossFitting for some time, are there any misconceptions you may have initially had coming into CrossFit that you now disagree with? When I started CrossFit a lot of people told me to be careful and not get hurt. Well, you can get hurt doing anything and you don’t even need to be exercising. What I’ve learned is you just need to be smart and listen to the coaches. As long as you listen to your body and focus on proper form and technique you can push yourself further than you thought possible and also do movements or even lift heavier weights than you thought possible. CrossFit can definitely help anyone achieve their strength and fitness goals.
- Any advice to new members getting started? Listen to the coaches and be patient. It’s ok to notice if others are moving faster or lifting more but don’t try to keep pace at first. Learn the movements and get a feel for how the WODs have an impact on you and then work to improve and push your limits as you get more experience.
- What are you up to when you’re not at CFM? Working and raising two boys.
- Tell us something most people do not know about you? I love cooking!