Jan 2019
Spotlight Athlete of the Month – Lisa M.
How young are you?
I just celebrated my 15th anniversary of my 25th birthday …aka 40 years young 🙂
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
I was born in Springfield Mass and grew up in Agawam, Mass. Fun facts, Agawam is the very first Zip Code in the USA 01001. Also pronounced Mawaga backwards for the Native American tribe that once lived there. And home of Riverside Park.
If you could have any super powers, what would it allow you to do?
My superpower would allow me to heal people with mental illness. I feel that superpower is very much needed these days and could help save many families.
What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform?
Deadlifts every day all day!!!!!!! You may not want to know what my least favorite is, but I’ll tell ya…..the Ring Dip!
If you won a million dollars, what’s your first purchase?
I think something to help my pups at the Scituate Animal Shelter. I really want more play space for the dogs, they need more space for dog zoomies and tennis ball fetching.
What sort of changes to your body, health & fitness have you seen since starting CrossFit? Oh good lord, where do I even begin??? I guess the most important to me is my knees. I’ve had horrible knees my whole athletic career (I was the girl with double knee braces), which led to several surgeries on both knees. With CrossFit I have been able to gain strength in the muscles that surround my knees giving them the support they need. My overall body has transformed from doing Macros along with 4-5 days a week at CFM. It’s funny looking at pictures from 3 yrs ago til now and I’m floored. Same numbers on the scale, but I love what I see so much more now. And mentally it’s great too, after a crazy work day it was great to get to CFM and not focus on that day’s drama and just focus on the WOD!
Now that you’ve been CrossFitting for some time, are there any misconceptions you may have initially had coming into CrossFit that you now disagree with?
Well Darrick was already into Crossfit, so I knew what I was getting into overall from an athletic perspective, but of course I was leary of joining CrossCult. I thought everyone would be judgey judgey.
Nope, the CrossFit community is outstanding and I’m so proud to be part of it. In life, it seems everyone is trying to one up and/or are negative. Here, I feel everyone is super supportive and excited for you when you tackle a hurdle or hit a PR. Plus, the community stretches outside the box. I’m a transplant from W Mass and really only knew co-workers out here, I didn’t have actual friends until really CFM. It took a while but I have finally found my “tribe” and I’m so thankful for each and everyone of them. I wish more people understood the community aspect, if this is what it means to be in a cult …count me IN!! CrossCult all the way!
Any advice to new members getting started?
I think it’s important to:
*Trust the process
* Listen to your Coaches
* You do YOU! Don’t worry what other people can do for weights/movements ; focus on form first!
It’s important to learn the movements through repetition and with a lighter weight that is definitely doable. CFM Coaches are great with watching your form and showing ways to improvement the lift/movement.
What are you up to when you’re not at CFM?
I volunteer at the Scituate Animal Shelter walking the dogs on Monday mornings, so I am that person who LOVES Mondays!! Then I work at Snyder Jewelers in Weymouth, so if anyone is in need of a Jeweler, I’m here for ya!!
And from there…hanging out with my main squeezes Darrick and Bob enjoying Boston Sports.
Tell us something most people do not know about you?
My love for Celine Dion is deep. You know when you are in school and you have to choose a foreign language to learn? I went with French, as that is the language of Celine….and should I meet her one day I needed to know how to communicate with her. So ya, I became fluent in French and even studied in France ….and then I came home to a country where no one speaks French and I still haven’t met her. Mais oui, I still love Celine…My heart goes on and on for her (see what I did there!).