Oct 2018
Spotlight Athlete of the Month – Krystal P.
How young are you? 38
Where were you born and where did you grow up? Born at the good old south shore hospital! Grew up in Hull,Ma
If you could have any super powers, what would it allow you to do? Freeze time. I never realized how precious time was until I had children. In high school and college and after, you are always rushing to get to the next place. Time is something you can never get back, and as I get older I just want to slow it down!!!
What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform? Favorites would be Bench press, Pull-ups, Toes to bar, Rope climbs. One day I will get double-unders!! I promise lol
If you won a million dollars, what’s your first purchase? I would pay off all the mortgages and bills of my family so we could all just have fun!
What sort of changes to your body, health & fitness have you seen since starting CrossFit? I thought I was healthy before I started and realized I wasn’t! I feel better physically and mentally. When you leave Crossfit you feel empowered, strong and ready to take on anything! I have changed so much about the way I eat, sleep, drink, think etc. and because of that, I got leaner and stronger!
Now that you’ve been CrossFitting for some time, are there any misconceptions you may have initially had coming into CrossFit that you now disagree with? I think my biggest misconception was “ I cannot do this”! Now I feel like “ I got this” lol I think people fear starting something so new, but that’s what makes you feel empowered when you overcome that little fear!
Any advice to new members getting started? I personally think walking through the door that first day is the hardest. After that it’s so easy to come back! You are welcomed by such a supportive group. I have never been to another Crossfit to compare (probably never will) but everyone just pushes you along! It challenges anybody at any level every time you go!
What are you up to when you’re not at CFM? Hmm that’s a good question haha! I am usually running around like a crazy woman but my favorite things are just being home with the family, going for walks with our new bulldog Zoey or just getting a coffee!! It’s the little things that keep me smiling usually. I love going food shopping and cooking new recipes! I also started doing pilates and it’s turned into my favorite hobby!
Tell us something most people do not know about you? I’m kinda a hermit! Lol… I married someone I met in 7th grade. It’s funny because I still remember the day he came into my English class as a new student. We both said “hi”, but I just knew there was something about him. I didn’t know what, because we were just acquaintances in school, and after he went into the Marines and I went to college then moved to New York. Circumstances brought us both back to this tiny little town, Hull and from there is was just meant to be! 🙂