Today is R.E.D. Friday

Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed


Deadlift 3×6 @10-20# heavier than last time

Rest at least 2 minutes between sets.

No touch and go reps, or dropping from the top.


Bench Press – 40 reps at body weight in as few sets as possible.

Note weight and attempts.

If it took you over 5 sets last attempt to hit 40, keep weight the same and try for 5 or less sets.

If it took you 5 sets or less, add 5-10# to last weight used.

Rx: BW

Int: ¾ BW

Beg: ½ BW


For time, sets of 5-1 of:

Ring Muscle-up

DB Hang Squat Clean

Rx: 50/35

Int: 40/25, Ring dips + 10 sec support hold after each set.

Beg: 25/15, 8 Db Row +8 Db floor Press