Today is R.E.D. Friday

Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed

For time:

Row 500m, then…

5 rounds of:

T&G Deadlift x10@BW

Wall Ball x20 (20/14#)

*Every time you break up a movement, perform a 10 Burpee penalty on the spot.


Magnitude Scoop

Join us this Saturday for our 2nd annual Rowling for Ca$h tournament!  There will be a $20 cash buy-in as well as a pet essential to donate (toys, canned food, leashes, crates, bowls, treats, etc…).  The fun starts at 8:30am sharp!!!  All Saturday classes are cancelled.

We will be open New Years day for open gym from 9-11am.  All classes are cancelled for the day, with our regularly scheduled classes starting back up on the 2nd.