Nov 2016
Spotlight Athlete of the Month – Amy K.
Our spotlight athlete of the month for December is Amy Kandravy. Amy, another one of our founding members, has shown all of us that know matter what fitness background you come from and no matter what your goals are, CrossFit can always help! As a strict cardio enthusiast (runner) prior to starting CrossFit, Amy has now become much more well rounded, and is currently our strongest female athlete at the box! Read on to learn about Amy’s CrossFit experience thus far…
1. Member name: Amy Kandravy
2. Age: 47
3. Occupation: Vice President Client Service Management at Fiserv Investment Services
4. How long have you been a member at CFM? 4 ½ years
5. How often do you CrossFit? 4 to 5 times a week depending on work travel
6. Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how did it go? I don’t remember the first one, but Fight Gone Bad left an impression on me from the early days. I think it was the first time I realized how long one minute can really be!
7. What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform? Cleans..because you face fear of getting under the bar..
8. What has been your biggest challenge to overcome so far? Pull ups..definitely pull ups. I can get a few in a row but I don’t give them enough attention to get better.
9. What sort of changes to your body, health & fitness have you seen since starting CrossFit? I only ran before Crossfit and complete the Marine Corps Marathon twice. After that, I changed my membership to unlimited and I haven’t looked back. I am a lot stronger and more confident in my abilities. I also loved being introduced to Paleo many years ago by Caitlin. She helped me change my diet to a lifestyle that is maintainable.
10. What has been your biggest achievement thus far, and what do you believe has been critical to its success? Hitting PRS and getting my name on the board.
11. What do you hope to achieve in the next 6 months, and how do you plan to get there? Stringing more pull-ups! Practice…and staying healthy.
12. Now that you’ve been CrossFitting for some time, are there any misconceptions you may have initially had coming into CrossFit that you now disagree with? When I started, my vocabulary consisted of a lot of “I can’t’s”. Believe me, there is still a lot I can’t do, but I choose not to say it and I keep trying.
13. Any advice to new members getting started? The community is made up of some great people who will stand by you and get you through any workout. Crossfit may seem intimidating, but once you get to know the community those fears and doubts definitely fade away. Just keep coming back.
14. What are your hobbies outside of the CrossFit box? Family and boating
15. Tell us something most people do not know about you? I have twin 12 year old daughters who are also do Crossfit twice a week with Caitlin’s teen class. . I am so happy with how they have responded to it. They have gained confidence and I love seeing them hit PRS. Dinner conversations about WODs with your kids…who would have thought that would happen?!?