Apr 2012
Watch your step!
Thanks to everyone who stopped by this weekend to lend a hand, we really made some great progress! The boxes came out awesome! A few finishing touches and we’ll be ready to start adding them into the mix this week.
To touch on another subject, I’ve been noticing a wide array of footwear being worn by everyone. Believe it or not, footwear really matters when it comes to CrossFitting. At the very least, you should look for a shoe that is thin soled and rather firm. The reasoning behind it is quite simple. Our body uses proprioception to control muscle contraction, along with other important functions such as transmitting important signals to the brain. Wearing cushy shoes like your Nikes actually inhibit these signals lessening their potential to give proper feedback when necessary. Another issue with the thick soled cushiony running sneakers is that they have way to much give. This causes an unsafe environment when your lifting weights, especially when you have to depend on your balance (think over head squats).
For those who really want to take it to the next level, look into getting a pair of weight lifting shoes like these: Weight Lifting Shoes
Or an all round great pair to do all your CrossFit WODs in like these: CrossFit Shoes
Using a quality pair of weight lifting or CrossFit specific shoes
I think CrossFitting, and weight lifting to be more specific, demands proper gear, especially footwear. Once you try a pair of shoes meant for this type of stuff, you’ll be kicking yourself you know where for all the time you’ve spent without them! If new shoes aren’t high on the priority list, barefoot is actually a safer option than using those marshmallows underneath your feet!
Thanks again to all who helped make this day worthwhile!
April 30, 2012 WOD
Pistols (practice finding your lowest depth)
Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2
Complete 4 rounds, for a total time of:
bike 1 mile
10 shoulder to overhead 95/65
15 kb swings (overhead) 1.5 pood/1 pood
Rest 60 sec between each round.